197 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
Date Time Game Name Board Name Players Result Delta Score
06-Aug-2011 00:01 6 WarGear Warfare 6 Loss 16 1094
06-Jun-2011 18:07 ARS Australian Risk 5 Win 94 1110
29-May-2011 19:49 europe all or nothing Europe 1560 4 Win 77 1016
22-May-2011 05:53 10 to roll WarGear Warfare 10 Loss 10 939
18-Feb-2011 13:34 Uprisings Spread Africa 4 Loss 11 949
23-Sep-2010 04:56 Euro-domination: the 12 powers Europe 1560 12 Loss 14 960
02-Aug-2010 17:03 Appetite for Destruction Global Warfare 6 Loss 19 974
30-Jul-2010 00:05 push yourself 110% Resident Wargear 4 Loss 7 993
Initial Score1000
High score: 1110 / Low score: 939 / Longest Win Streak: 2